Browse Category Cultural Critique

Regressive Individualism

This week I was reading the news and came across the following headline: “Demi Lovato says they forgive those misgendering them. Others say consequences could be dire.” I had to read it a couple of times, very confused as to what I had just read. Then I realized what was going on—what I thought was […]

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Cause for Celebration

Many people, myself included, have become so caught up in the issues of our time that we’ve forgotten just how good we have it.  In the last half-century, the average life expectancy rose from 56 years to 72, an increase of 29%. In 1966 out of every 1000 infants born, 113 died before their first […]

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Pride and Equality

Can equality exist in a society that encourages pride? June is pride month—a celebration which began as “Gay and Lesbian Pride Month,” quickly became “LGBT pride month”, and is now “LGBTQ+ month” as more and more identities have been included over the years. It’s part of a wider movement that is said to be fighting […]

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Segregation and Exclusion

Last week Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot sent a letter to local media outlets offering sit-down interviews exclusively to black and brown journalists. “By now, you may have heard the news that on the occasion of the two-year anniversary of my inauguration as Mayor of this great City, I will be exclusively providing one-on-one interviews with […]

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Friedrich Nietzsche and the Secularization of Society

In 1882 the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche famously declared “God is dead… and we have killed him.”  The “we” he spoke of were the other Enlightenment thinkers who ushered in an age of reason and rationality that sought to undermine traditional forms of religious belief. The dawn of scientific inquiry, they thought, suddenly rendered belief […]

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