The Deterioration of Discourse

You ever wonder why more and more topics seem to be contentious and rather difficult to talk about? Whether it’s about the definition of marriage, sexual identity, abortion, transgenderism, immigration, covid policy, or any other social issue, it feels like there is an ever-increasing chasm between two sides that can’t find any common ground and […]

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Bipartisan Failure

Over the last week, the Taliban has taken over Afghanistan. The Islamist military organization who was last overthrown in 2001 by US-led military forces has regained control of the capital city Kubal and sent the whole country into turmoil. Most people have seen the pictures and read the stories by now—Afghanistan president Ashraf Ghani fleeing […]

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Regressive Individualism

This week I was reading the news and came across the following headline: “Demi Lovato says they forgive those misgendering them. Others say consequences could be dire.” I had to read it a couple of times, very confused as to what I had just read. Then I realized what was going on—what I thought was […]

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Who are “The Rich?”

There’s a lot of talk about income inequality these days. We bemoan the increasing wealth of the top 1% and say things like “the rich just keep getting richer.” But how much truth is there to the rhetoric surrounding this issue? Less than you may think. This topic, like so many other politically popular and […]

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Our Unifying Privilege

A few months ago I was in Charlotte for work and got to talking with one of my Uber drivers. His name was Alpha and he had immigrated to the United States about a decade ago from a small country in Western Africa called Liberia. This was during the height of some of the political […]

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Cause for Celebration

Many people, myself included, have become so caught up in the issues of our time that we’ve forgotten just how good we have it.  In the last half-century, the average life expectancy rose from 56 years to 72, an increase of 29%. In 1966 out of every 1000 infants born, 113 died before their first […]

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