Browse Category Biblical Theology

Who are “The Rich?”

There’s a lot of talk about income inequality these days. We bemoan the increasing wealth of the top 1% and say things like “the rich just keep getting richer.” But how much truth is there to the rhetoric surrounding this issue? Less than you may think. This topic, like so many other politically popular and […]

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Our Unifying Privilege

A few months ago I was in Charlotte for work and got to talking with one of my Uber drivers. His name was Alpha and he had immigrated to the United States about a decade ago from a small country in Western Africa called Liberia. This was during the height of some of the political […]

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Easter is about New Creation

What did Easter mean to Jesus? We talk a lot about what Easter means to us but what did Jesus Himself think He was accomplishing on Easter Sunday? It’s an important question because it reveals a problem: There has become a large discrepancy between what Easter means to modern Christians and what it originally meant […]

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For By Grace You’ve Been Saved Through… Allegiance?

I’ve become convinced, with the help of books like Matthew Bates’ Salvation by Allegiance Alone, that in most contexts Christians should stop using the word “faith.” The conviction comes from two angles. 1) Over the past few decades Biblical scholars have learned that the Greek word pistis, often translated “faith or “belief,” has a much […]

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Heaven on Earth

As someone who grew up in and around Christian culture it’s probably not surprising that over the years I heard quite a bit about heaven. And what I knew about heaven probably sounds familiar to both Christians and non-Christians alike—heaven is the place where believers go when they die to be with Jesus for eternity. […]

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